Engineering of patient experience , start from medical education


Mahmoud Abdulrahman Mahmoud


Accreditation/International dimensions of medical education


Accreditation/Quality assurance


Al-Imam Un. Medical Collage


According to WHO, Community demands and expectations of health care system are changing. improve access to health-related information, increased level of education and income, and advances in consumer-facing technologies have provided people with more opportunities and choices. people now demand quality and expect health care system to deliver care in ways that swit their requirements for information, psychosocial supprt, and participation in decision- making. as the gap between the need and demand in health care service proision can't be eliminated, patient experience from the health worker who meet them can make adifference.

the patient experience start from his expectation before visit, appointment call, Reception,Investigations, Examination up to Despensing and leaving the place with next appointment order or cure. patients rarely remember or talk about the rational, functional benefits received during an health service place visit. Strong negative clues will cancel all positive clues. So, Outstanding patient experience must be planned and predictable, not random and occasional, which can be through analysis of patient experience at each stage of the visit, the analysis should include setting, poeple and process in each stage. Training of the medical Students should be considered to avoid strong negative clues of patient experience.

Summary of Work


Factors affecting expectations

1.   Nature of medical illness.

2.   Past experience in the same set up.

3.   Experience at other set up.

4.   Financial and social standing.

5.   Level of education.

         Memorable service results from positive or negative emotional feelings about the office experience

Patients receive thousands of impressions or “clues” about the practice during every instant of interaction  (sights, sounds, smells, tactile sensations, etc)



Summary of Results

The basic steps for engineering the patient experience:

Define the desirable feelings to be created with patients during the office visit–the “service themes”

Examine the “clues” communicating the service themes at each moment-of-truth during the current patient experience identify and eliminate negative clues

Make neutral clues positive and design new clues to communicate the service themes

Patient Experience“Clues”:

Setting: Sights, sounds, smells and tactile impressions of the physical environment of the office

People: Human interactions: words, gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language

Process: Functional steps and process flow



We have to teach our Students to:

         Treat as Individual.

         Engage and involve patients.

         provide safe, clean, comfortable environment.

         Best practice

It will lead to Improvement of Care and Better patient Experience

Take-home Messages


If you plan for patient satisfaction, Expect his need before his arrival, to do that start from Health care planning and medical education.



To every one who teach me a lesson throughout my life Experience, To all my patients as each of them considered as unique experience. 



  • WHO publications
  • Patient Experience, Management & Business Academy for Eye care Professionals














Summary of Work


Summary of Results


Experience “Clues”

Patient Feelings





Experience categories

















Negative memory

No memory

Positive memory

Abandon practice

No loyalty


Negative referral


Take-home Messages
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