Leturing Skills


Dr. Muhammad Mujahid Khan
Dr. Khalid Al-Qumaizi


Teaching and learning: the teachers toolkits and context for learning


Teaching and learning


Al-Imam University


The lecture was established formally centuries ago as a teaching process that began with a literal reading of important passages from the text by the master.

It is observed that lecturing is frequently a one-way process unaccompanied by discussion or questioning. This makes it a poor teaching method

The lecture in its many forms is the most commonly used method for transferring information.

There are serious questions regarding the effectiveness of the traditional lecturing approach.

The lecture method is used extensively in medical education. Academic physicians often are not trained in giving effective lectures


With planning and effective presentation techniques. The lecture can be a highly effective and interactive method for transferring knowledge to the students, it takes preparation, practice, & reflection. With planning and effective presentation techniques

The lecture can be a highly effective and interactive method for transferring knowledge to the students. It takes preparation, practice, & reflection

Summary of Work

Clinical lecturing must be an intellectually challenging experience. Students, through extensive interactive teaching are able to gain thorough conceptual understanding

In the effective, active lecture, the teacher involves students through a highly interactive and participatory approach using a variety of teaching techniques.

In an ineffective, passive lecture, students find it difficult to concentrate, as there is little or no stimulation.


Take-home Messages

An effective lecture is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspect of a teacher’s responsibility. The teacher should maintain participant’s interest with an exciting, dynamic delivery. Variety of instructional methods is more likely to help students reach the learning objectives. Effective lectures do not just happen, they are planned. Careful planning is one of the most important steps in achieving this shared responsibility

Summary of Results

Efforts to improve the lecturing of medical professionals must focus on changing the role of the student from passive observer to active participant. The responsibility for meeting learning objectives is shared by the teacher and each student.

Effective lectures do not just happen, they are planned. Careful planning is one of the most important steps in achieving this shared responsibility.

Planning an Effective Lecture:

Consider the objective of the lecture and the logistics. Plan a variety of approaches like, use of questioning, media, and small group activities. Prepare a set of lecture notes.


Summary of Work

Characteristics of Effective Lecture are:

Teacher-student interaction.

Two-way communication.

Teacher-student questions.

Shared responsibility for active learning.

Small group, problem-solving activities.

Variety of supporting media.

Limited note taking required.

Characteristics of Ineffective Lecture are:

One-way communication.

Few if any questions (teacher or student).

Student depends on teacher for all information.

No student activities.

No supporting media.

Extensive note taking required.

Take-home Messages
Summary of Results

Objective of the Lecture:

Topic: Development of Placenta


The objective of this lecture is to acquaint students with:

Embryology of placenta, types of placenta and functions of placenta

Teacher should consider the length of the lecture. Lecture time should not exceed 45 minutes, including 15 minutes devoted to audience interaction. Interactive lecture should last no longer than 30 minutes without giving the students a break.

Questioning Techniques:

To help ensure interaction is to ask and encourage questions.

Involving students through questioning helps to maintain their attention.

Particularly when the topics are complex and lectures are long.

Questions can be used to introduce lectures, stimulate interaction throughout the lecture and to summarize the contents.

Ask questions of the entire group, target a question to a specific student and try to usese student’s name when asking and answering questions. Provide positive reinforcement when students respon and repeat student’s questions and answers to ensure that all students hear the discussion.

If a student asks a question, the teacher can answer the question directly, respond by asking the student a different but related question or offer the question to the other students

To prepare the Content, analyze the occasion, whether the class early in the morning, long class session  (60+ minutes) or beginning of the semester, how mature are the students, what is their prior relationship (if any) with this subject matter and what is the level of difficulty and their ability. Consider quantity of material, Teach two to five major points and do not inundate students.

Opening Introduction: Capture the interest and attention of the students and make students aware of the teachers expectations and encourage a positive learning climate. A good introduction is critical to the success of  a lecture

Tips for an Effective Introduction: Review lecture objectives, ask a rhetorical question, use an interesting famous quotation, relate a topic to previously covered content, use a case study or problem-solving activity, use media, make a provocative statement to encourage discussion and relate the topic to a real-life experience.

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