Abstract Title | Clinical Simulation in a Multidisciplinary Team: Experience during Medical and Nursing Internships. Andrs Bello University, Via del Mar, Chile.


  1. Pablo Mahana T.
  2. Rodrigo Avila D.
  3. Carlos Rivera P.
  4. Peter McColl C.
  5. Veronica Silva O.


9BB Simulation 1


Andres Bello University - School of Medicine - Viña del Mar - Chile


Clinical Simulation has proven to be an indispensable tool to train health care students.

Summary of Results

All teams resolved the clinical cases appropriately, reaching a good management of cardiovascular emergency.

During debriefing, the qualitative record showed that all interns expressed that at the beginning, they felt uneasy to work with unfamiliar people.

During the develop of the cases their sensation improved. Achieving good communication and team work.

Teams were led, respectfully, by the medical interns.

Summary of Work

Objective: describe the experience of multidisciplinary clinical simulation with medical and nursing interns, in medical emergency scenarios.


  • Eighteen medical interns  (18) and thirty nursing interns (30) were challenged in medical emergency scenarios with a high fidelity human simulator.
  • They were divided into six groups
    • Three medical internship.
    • Five nursing internship.
  • The scenarios were ran on a computer platform with pre set responses.
  • The clinical cases were cardiovascular emergencies.
  • Each group received the same initial information.

At the end of the cases, a structured debriefing was conducted, during which, the instructors made a qualitative record of the students experience and opinions.


Clinical simulation proved to be a significant tool for educating the health care team. 

It could be an interesting strategy, for professional development, to train through multidisciplinary clinical simulation since undergraduate education.

Take-home Messages

Systematize the objective assessment of multidisciplinary work in clinical simulation scenarios and develop a line of research in this area.

Summary of Results
Summary of Work
Take-home Messages
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