Abstract Title | Simulation of the Professional Conversation


  1. Birte Plougholt
  2. Kirsten Merete Jessen
  3. Marianne Pilegaard


9AA Teaching and assessing communication skills


Metropolitan University College - Copenhagen - Denmark



Communication is one of the major challenges in interactions between the lay public and healthcare professionals. Quality of healthcare delivery requires effective communicators.


Development of an innovative learning method using simulation-based training to enhanced communication skills within professional conversations.



Summary of Results

What was achieved?

The students stated that the simulation-based training with a professional actor was very authentic, motivating and instructive and enabled them to practice “real world communication”.

Due to the positive response from students, this training has been incorporated into the regular curriculum of some of the healthcare professional programs.





Summary of Work

What was done?

The project team has developed, tested and evaluated a communication training module for healthcare professional students.


The Communication Training in three steps:



98 students from five healthcare professional degree programs have participated in a simulation-based training on professional conversations with the involvement of the students' own experiences, an actor, videotaping and constructive feedback from both students and facilitator.


“It is important and very instructive to see yourself on video, reflect on the conversation, and receive feedback on what has been done"                  

An occupational therapy student

Take-home Messages

Take-home message

Simulation-based training in professional conversations with an actor provides an authentic and motivating educational opportunity with great potential for knowledge and skills transfer to future healthcare professions.

“It was very authentic and realistic. It is an excellent training.”

A radiography student



Alrø, Helle et Kristiansen, Marianne. Et dialogisk perspektiv. I Nielsen, Mette., S., et Rom, Gitte. Perspektiver på kommunikation i sundhedsfaglige professioner. (2006).

Illeris, Knud. Transfer of learning in the learning society.(2009)

Kirkpatrick. D. Evaluating training programs, The four levels. (2006)

Thistlethwaite, Jill et Ridgway, George. Making it real – A practical guide to experiential learning. (2006)


The project team from the Metropolitan University in Copenhagen, Denmark has developed, tested and evaluated a communication training module for healthcare professional students. This innovative method creates the possibility for students to practice and have an understanding of professional conversations via simulation-based education involving a professional actor.


Bachelor's Degree programmes:



Occupational Therapy    


Social Work


Summary of Results

More details:

Based on both verbal and written evaluation, the students stated that the simulation-based training with a professional actor was very authentic, motivating and instructive and enabled them to practice “real world communication”. 

  • 89.8% of the students indicated that the simulation-based training with an actor was supportive for their learning objectives `in high degree` to 'in very high degree'.

  • 83.7% of the students indicated that they expect that the simulation-based training could be beneficial for them in their future professions 'in high degree' to 'in very high degree'.

  • 81.7% of the students indicated that the simulation-based training has contributed to the understanding of verbal and nonverbal communication 'in high degree' to 'in very high degree'.

  • 77.7% of the students indicated that feedback was supportive for their learning objectives `in high degree` to 'in very high degree'.

Summary of Work

Step 3: The Simulation Training Day:

Take-home Messages
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