Abstract Title
Educating physicians in informing and empowering patients: factors involved in tailoring information to patients needs and enhancing patient empowerment


E. Klarenbeek
F. van Stiphout
S. Vervoort
E. ter Braak


8AA Communication skills


Educational Center - University Medical Center Utrecht - Utrecht - The Netherlands

  • We think that empowering patients regarding medication may reduce adverse drug events.
  • Aim of this study was to identify factors involved in patient empowerment regarding medication.
Summary of Work

19 participants with polypharmacy and multimorbidity: 10F:9M, median age 55 (28-88), median no. of medications 8 (5-27)

Patients from outpatient clinics of Internal Medicine and related specialties, academic hospital in the Netherlands

Data collection:
In-depth semi-structured interviews at home.

Grounded Theory1-3


1. Strauss A, Corbin J,. Grounded theory methodology: An overview. In: Denzin NK, Lincoln YS eds.,. Strategies of qualitative inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998;158-83.
2. Charmaz K,. Constructing grounded theory. a practical guide through qualitative analysis. London: Sage, 2006.
3. Cutcliffe JR. Methodological issues in grounded theory. J.Adv.Nurs. 2000;31:1476-1484.


Co-authors: thank you for all your work and for mentoring me.

Scholars whom I consulted to learn more about empowerment and related topics: thank you for taking time to enthousiastically share your expertise.

Participants of this study: thanks for welcoming me into your homes, sharing your views and stories (along with tea and cookies).

Summary of Results

  • Autonomy plays a key role
    • patients want their autonomy acknowledged
    • patients want to be involved in shared decision making to some extent


  • Tension between providing too much and too little information




Conceptual model on factors involved in patient empowerment regarding medication.

Take-home Messages

To enhance patient empowerment regarding medication, teach physicians to:

  • acknowledge patients' autonomy
  • invest in a trustful relationship with the patient
  • tailor provision of information to patients’ needs
  • help patients cope with their negative attitude towards medication

Empowerment animation


Summary of Work
Summary of Results

Tailoring provision of information to patients’ needs appears to enhance empowerment regarding medication management. Insights in factors involved as described here, are crucial to educate physicians in informing their patients in effective ways aiming to foster drug adherence and reducing ADE’s.

Take-home Messages

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