Theme: 8II Mobile learning
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Students' experiences of online learning
Authors: Berit Rostad
Faculty of Medicine
Public Health and General Practice
Institutions: Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and General Practice, Trondheim, Norway
With the advancement in educational technology and internet access, online learning approaches have become increasingly used. This study investigated the students’ experiences. 64 students attending an interdisciplinary net-based course in global health reported their experiences by completing an evaluation questionnaire. Thematic analysis was employed to identify themes, based on the students’ replies to an open-ended question on their experiences. All classroom lectures were videotaped and the 64 students had access to a password-protected website where the lectures were located. The students had no direct interactions with the teachers, but could submit questions/comments to them.
Summary of Results
Summary of results: Five themes emerged upon analysing the evaluations. 1. Online learning offers benefits of enhanced flexibility and convenience to classroom education. The students valued the opportunity to study at their own pace and time, and that online learning solved problems with competing demands. 1. “The lectures could be reviewed time and again whenever I had the time.” “It was easier to combine employment, family responsibilities and studies.” “I am using hearing aid, listening to online delivered lectures is much better!” 2. Geographical boundaries were overcome. 3. The students reported that online learning made them more responsible for their learning. 4. Saving time and money, no travels to the university. 5. Feelings of isolation. “This was a new experience for me. I liked it, but I missed the social part.” “I missed the classroom and face-to-face interaction.” Conclusions: Online learning offers students more educational opportunities and may facilitate their individual study needs.
Take-home Messages
Take-home messages: Students do not need to be in face to face learning situations.
Summary of Results
Take-home Messages
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