Development of national recruitment to dental foundation training in England, Wales and N Ireland


  1. K.M.Elley
  2. C.M.Wiskin
  3. J.Duffy


9JJ Admission to Medicine and Postgraduate Training Programmes


Health Education West Midlands



There is a system of

National recruitment to Dental Foundation training posts in the UK





These posts form a programme of workplace training in the NHS during the first year post qualification.



The selection centre includes clinical communication, and professionalism, management and leadership stations and a situational judgement test.









Summary of Work


Psycometrics of assessment data have been analysed for different stations and for role player and clinical assessors.















Multiple assessment techniques using multiple assessors are likely to result in the most robust recruitment to Dental Foundation training posts.


Fine tuning of the process can result in improvement in the quality of the process.





Health Education England

University of Birmingham





Summary of Results

Clinical assessor & role player outcomes


Overall there is no significant difference in outcome, (Bowker’s test of asymmetry giving an x2 value of 3.81 on 3df, p>0.28) but fair agreement (kappa = 0.30).

Clinicians and patient role players are likely to be influenced by different characteristics.






Professionalism, management & leadership station – agreement and correlation

Improvements in specification of model answers resulted in better agreement between panel members in outcomes.

Take-home Messages


Improvements can be made to the process of recruitment to training posts by changing the process in light of the outcomes.











Clinician and simulated patient scoring- the psycometrics of a national programme recruiting to Dental Foundation training posts, British Dental Journal 2013, 215:125-150

Wiskin, Elley, Jones, Duffy

Summary of Work
Summary of Results
Take-home Messages
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